Lodge House Plans

Lodge House Design:

“Strong meaningful elements that share structural and aesthetic responsibilities” These are the things that separate today’s popular lodge style from the rest. This along with strong gable roofs and large scale trim and use of strong heavy natural materials and accents identify Lodge House Plans.” 

Modern Lodge House Plan
“Vino Grifano” Lodge House Plan M-3250Grif

 Mark Stewart Lodge House Plans

are rooted in The Bend, Sisters and Sunriver Oregon Genre. We have enjoyed a large clientele of elite custom home builders as well as unique individual clients in the Central Oregon Market that are interested in our broad and unique collection of modern home plans. We’ve noticed many of the empty-nesters we work with on custom home designs in Central Oregon prefer our smaller house plans for a variety of lifestyle reasons. This has honed our Lodge Design Eye and helped create a broad and varied collection of Modern Lodge House Plans which you can order here online, or over the phone.


Elements of the lodge style hold a special place of inner peace for many of us.

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