Tiny Homes

Tiny House Plans

In popular vernacular, the term Tiny House has been used to describe everything from the original tiny house by Henry David Thoreau and Jay Shafer’s Tumbleweed Tiny Houses to almost any house under about 1,000 sq. ft in size.

In this style section we are using the term Tiny House to include home designs that are not necessarily portable as the Tumbleweed original houses were, but are efficient, using space and resources smartly and with a minimum of square footage to accomplish the goals of the end user.  Smaller sq. footage means a smaller carbon footprint, smaller utility costs, lower taxes, less maintenance, less headaches, and more free energy and attention for the things in life that are most meaningful to you. It is a philosophy that was identified first and most publicly by Sara Susanka’s “Not So Big” Movement.  Not so Big, Small House Plans, and Tiny Houses are a clarion call to sanity and responsibility  in home ownership as opposed to the “Bigger is Better” mentality that the consumer ego was long fascinated with .

The  homes in this collection, while they may not meet the Websters or Wikipedia definition of “Tiny House” do in fact all have qualities, sizes and successful execution of the financially conservative, maximization of free energy  along with reduced carbon footprint goals that are the heart of the movement.

We hope you find a tiny house plan here that will work for your life and goals. If you’d like to make a customization to any of our modern home designs, just let us know!



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