Extreme Home Designs

Extreme House Plans

Extreme Makeover changed me. Lifelong friendships with some of the Families and the Cast have been  a very rewarding bonus. The lives that we helped transform and the people involved was a spiritual experience that I will always treasure

On Camera Mark Stewart and Extreme Makeover Cast
Mark and Extreme Makeover Cast

This is an exclusive design category

that includes the homes we designed for  “Extreme Makeover” Home Edition as well as designs that we consider worthy of the title. We were fortunate to the be the first and I believe only outside Home Design Firm to consult with the Show. The stars, producers and all involved were very generous with their praise for the home designs we created for them.

In addition to the well documented and popular Extreme Makeover House Plans you will find here some of our most “out of the box” attempts to transition to new styles, experimental designs and the like.We hope this collection of house plans gives you inspiration and maybe even your new home !..Enjoy

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