Bungalow House Plans

The “Arts & Crafts” style and Bungalow House Plans

were popularized over a century ago, and are currently enjoying a new life in our time. — and for good reason. These styles offers beauty and strong, meaningful design elements that announce and nurture at the same time. Mark Stewart Bungalow House Plans have been very popular particularly on in-fill lots in the heart of the city.

Homeowners fall in love with them immediately !

Front detail
M-1914 Bungalow House Plan

Bungalow House Plans generally include:

  • Decorative knee braces
  • Deep eaves with exposed rafters
  • Low-pitched roof, gabled or hipped.
  • 1–1½ stories, occasionally two
  • Built-in cabinetry, beamed ceilings, simple wainscot are most commonly seen in dining and living room.
  • Large fireplace often with built-in cabinetry, shelves, or benches on either side
  • Dormers, shed, hipped or gabled.
  • Large, covered front porches with massive columns under extension of main roof.
  • One or Two Car Garages
  • Windows were typically double hung with multiple lights in the upper window and a single pane in the lower.

We are elated to bring you this unique Bungalow home design collection and have many more on the way. Our design team is also excited to be featuring Farmhouse Plans, Lodge Style Designs, Cape Cod Homes and Small Home Plans on our website too! If you have any questions about these new styles of the home designs in our collection, don’t hesitate to send us an email or give us call.

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